Monday 21 September 2015

What I learned from Gully Scrambling...

"Fear and overwhelm are merely thoughts in the mind, you can choose better thoughts and feelings to assist you to accomplish anything!"

When my partner first told me he'd booked up to take us gully scrambling, climbing waterfalls and doing jumps, I felt a sinking feeling, and the thoughts " Oh my god, really?! " sprang to mind and " Oo I don't know if I can do that ".

 It's safe to say I felt a little nervous just at the thought, those little old thoughts my little mind was projecting. And even though I chose to keep thinking those thoughts, when it came to the day and we started our ascent I knew all I had to do was shift my thoughts and energy and just do it!

It didn't help that I felt slightly rough after the night before having some drinks to celebrate my birthday weekend away, but I soon got in the swing of things :) And it was a lot of fun! And most certainly an awesome adventure that I will always remember and be forever grateful for :) 

I so love being out in nature, the trees, the water, the mountains, the views. Ah even just thinking of it brings me feelings of bliss :)  I'm very much a nature soul with a pure love for it all. I feel so connected in the great outdoors, at one with myself,  at one with nature and the pure beauty of our planet. So my beloved chose the perfect birthday present for me, and a one that would also help me mentally push further ahead in this game of life :) 

There were times over those 3 hours where I looked ahead and thought I really couldn't be bothered to do the next bit of our journey, but when I felt into my body I knew that it had plenty of energy to complete this, it was simply thoughts and old mental limitations that I could easily pass through.

 I had experienced similar when I first started running, looking ahead or thinking how far I had to go, and bam! Thoughts used to appear of "I can't be bothered", "I'll stop and walk for a bit", "I'm out of breath" etc. I used to buy into these thoughts and believe them and stop running. But then I realized that they were just thoughts, that my body was far more capable than I realized. In fact when I first pushed past through them I realized that my body is like a machine, it has its natural flow and it is amazing! It was simply limiting thoughts that effected my ability to run so well before. 

So when these kind of thoughts popped into my head I was able to recognize them straight away and just allow them to go, that wasn't my ultimate truth, and I continued focusing fully on each step forward :)  

I got to thinking how I can apply this more in other areas of my journey of life, and how others could too :) 

Are you wanting to accomplish something but feel maybe feel overwhelmed, or stuck in fear and at the moment feel like you can't achieve it, even though your heart and soul knows it's something that you really want to do? Maybe there will be something in this blog post that resonates with you in someway, and perhaps that can be of assistance to you and to your life path...

Here are some more pictures and thoughts from our day :) <3

There are times in life when you can't see the steps , and that is perfectly ok. Sometimes you've got to just trust yourself and feel the right way forward for you :)

I am fully supported by the divine masculine, both within me and those around me. 
And for this I am truly grateful! Sometimes it just takes simple things to realize how true this really is :) <3

Even when you cant see the way, there is always a way!

Taking leaps of faith 

When your faced with with something on your path, and you don't want to go back and you know you've got to keep moving forward, sometimes there are moments where we have to take a leap of faith. Knowing deep down that this leap of faith is what's going to propel you forward on your souls path. Call on all of your inner resources, the courage and everything required and just take that jump! Go for it!!!! You can do it! :)

You are awesome and capable of far more than you realize right now! Trust and believe in yourself. And if you feel like you need a little extra help, just ask :) 

Appreciate the view, looking back at how far you've come and what you've accomplished in life so far.

 Even when your in the midst of focusing on the steps you are taking now, make sure you stop and just breathe, taking time to appreciate where you are right now, because where you are right now is leading you to your bigger picture of that which you wish to accomplish. 

If I had just kept focusing on right at the very top or how far I had to go I would have become overwhelmed, I would have stumbled, and wouldn't be able to navigate the best steps to take next. Although my mind sometimes analyzed further ahead when I came to more challenging points, after seeing the best route I was back to focusing solely on each step one at a time. 

Which is a lot like life and achieving other goals/outcomes that we truly wish to achieve. If we focus on the bigger picture too much and how far you have to go or all of the steps involved, it can be somewhat overwhelming. Fears may come up and sometimes this can cause a stand still. You may even think that you can't do it or think of giving up.

 If you ever get like this just stop, take some time out and simply breathe, bringing yourself back to center and just focus on the next best step. You can ask yourself " What is my next best step to achieve....(whatever it is that your soul desires). Just relax and from that calm centered state, allow that next best step to present itself to you then take it. And the next and the next and the next, until you reach your desired outcome :)   

And finally bask in the glory of your accomplishments, savor the moment and appreciate how awesome you truly are!  

Is there something that you are working towards in life and feel like you would like some extra support to accomplish your desired outcome? Are you ready to let go of that which no longer serves you so that you can create a life you love? Would you like to learn how to tap into and strengthen your connection to your soul wisdom, guidance and energy so that you can create your highest outcome?  If so, please do feel free to connect me.

Along with energy work that I do, I  also offer 1-1 Transformational Soul Coaching and currently have a few spots available for new coaching clients who are ready and willing to take the next steps forward and bring their heart and souls desires into fruition! 

For more information on my 1-1 Transformational Soul Coaching Sessions just send me an email to letting me know your interested and we will take it from there :) 

Much Love from my heart to yours
Michaela Jane :) 

Saturday 18 July 2015

The Art of Sacred Dance

There are many tools we can use as part of our sacred rituals, soul energy work to release that which no longer serves us. And many different modalities that your soul will guide you to upon your path of returning home to who you truly are on this journey of physical ascension.

Today I felt drawn back to the art of sacred dance. I've always loved to dance right from being a small child, the magic of movement and the way it makes you feel as the music flows through your body. Sacred dance is more a way of allowing your soul to open up your energy body and allowing your body to intuitively move, being completely in the moment and natural flow and rhythm of your pure essence.

As I allow myself to get carried away in the moment, the music and the movements, I receive visions and am always guided to shed that which my soul wishes to let go of in that moment. As well as clear inner knowing of what to invoke and integrate for the next part of my journey. Today as I was dancing I saw trees ( tree energy ;) ) growing with the gentle raise of my hand, in each corner of my room. This was assisting me to be more grounded and present in each moment in my divine body as I allowed this soul process to beautifully take place. As I let go and allowed myself to flow, I saw myself with pure white flowers in my hair and pure white flowing clothing on, completely at one with the divine feminine within. As I elegantly moved around the room, one of the things that I saw was chains on both of my wrists right down to my feet which were also chained, and it was energetically going down into the earth. My soul guided me to pull up the chain and as I was bringing it up I saw that there was a fragment of my soul trapped behind bars within a single metal rectangular cell. It was a part of me that was locked in and it was holding me back from moving forward in a certain area of my life. Energetically sized at around a foot this small cell with a small fragment of my being in was easy to remove and as I did the chunky metal chains on my wrists and ankles that I had a vision of opened. I was guided to place them on an energetic Selenite Crystal table which was automatically took to the purist light of my I AM Presence for healing and wholing.

I had many other visions as this transformative experience took place, all the while feeling completely serene at one with the divine moment and my whole self as I was flowing in the gentle movement of my pure essence.

As you awaken more fully to the divinity of your soul you become aware of yourself at different levels and of the multidimensional being that you truly are. You become aware of the things that you are shedding, those things that are coming up to the surface to be released, are all part of the process your soul is using to raise your vibrations and become your true ascended self here on Earth.

What ways are you feeling drawn to as you release that which no longer serves you? Know that whichever way it is for you right now is perfect for your soul development as you allow the highest outcome to unfold. Trusting in your divine nature to show you the perfect next step on your path of Ascension. There is no rush, everything is always unfolding at the perfect time and way that is right for you, for the highest advancement of your soul.

Much love to you always from my pure essence to you beloved soul

Wednesday 10 June 2015

How to use my Energy Art

Hello lovely people :)

Today i'd like to share with you a bit more about my Energy Art and how to use it :)

Some people maybe just drawn to the colours , patterns or symbols while others will be drawn to them for the deeper meaning. Which ever way it may be for you, at a deeper soul level you will be drawn to certain pieces for the energy they hold in order to integrate it more fully in to your life. Not only do they help raise the vibrational level of the souls who buy them, they also help to anchor in this light and energy into their home and surrounding area, like a beautiful ripple effect :) <3

Feel free to check out this short video I made to explain more :)

Much love and wishing you a beautiful light filled day :) <3

* For more information or to make a custom order just send an email to :

Thursday 30 April 2015

Echoes in Time

Through the fields of time the soul essence flows, sometimes sending ripples of the past in thoughts, feelings, words and even the way we behave. Today as I was opening up my energy to receive more light within my relationship with self and others I heard an echo from my past from a time when I was dealing with the aftermath of a very traumatic time for me. It was the first two lines from a poem I wrote which was helping me to process the events that had taken place in my life.
They were:

“A lonely life is all I see,
Full of unwanted misery”

They played over and over in my head and I knew that this was a part of self from that moment in time which needed my love and healing. The part of me that was still stuck in the trauma, with nothing but a vision of darkness and pain for the rest of my life. That part of self that could never imagine being happy with anyone, not even myself. It was a very dark time in my life as you can tell from the beginning of my poem.

 I had just escaped from a domestic violent relationship, where the man who I was with used to physically, mentally and emotionally beat me up and torture me. I do not need to go further into the details, as that is not what this is about. All that needs to be said was that I was a fragment of light engulfed in darkness. With all of my muddied mind and feelings at the time I believed I would never be happy, that all men were not to be trusted, feeling that I would never be safe. I had so much hate for men and myself I closed myself off to love, in an attempt to keep myself safe. Some of the words of my ex boyfriend echoed through my being that I was unlovable, disgusting, that nobody would ever love me, that it’s better to be by yourself than with an a***hole. I may have escaped the physical abuse but the echoes of the mental and emotional abuse played over and over again in my mind, it was ingrained so deep I never thought I would recover.

But I did recover and became stronger, more beautiful, loving, happy, compassionate, forgiving, with a capacity to experience love and blissful feelings beyond my wildest dreams. My heart opened and continues to expand to the unconditional loving being that I truly am. I am no longer willing to align to pain and suffering in relationships, I am no longer willing to allow past echoes to interfere with or shut myself of in any way to my true happiness and the love I am truly capable of experiencing. My heart knows and emanates this pure love, it is unlimited, boundless. With the guidance of my soul I lovingly invite any fragments of self back into the warmth and pure love of my soul, my pure essence. For I am always safe held in the pure love that I am. I shine and radiate this pure love out through all space and time, to every aspect of myself, throughout all space and time.

I am safe, I am love

Wednesday 15 April 2015

A Warrior of Light ~ A poem by Michaela Jane

A Warrior of Light

I AM a warrior soul,there is no limit,
Embracing change from minute to minute, 
Focusing only on my true light,
Allowing my desires and physical to unite, 
Opening my heart, opening my soul, 
Embracing love, embracing the whole,
The whole of my aspects of all parts of self,
Intuitively guided through the divine self,
Opening hearts, Opening minds, 
Opening the souls of humankind, 
Hearing the words, feeling the light, 
Lifting the veils of illusion, 
And souls in dark night, 
Opening your hearts opening your minds,
To the truth of your souls, to the truth of your mind,
Gently caressing, following through with the divinity that is truly you,
Unique in heart unique in mind,
But joined by souls of all humankind,
The web of life we are all part of, 
The web of life we are created from,
Opening your hearts opening your minds, 
To see the true divinity of all humankind,
The souls that are one, the souls that unite,
Are powerfully changing the dark into light. 

A poem that flowed through me as I was walking my lovely dog Buster :)

Monday 16 March 2015

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello lovely people and welcome to my new blog :)

Here's a little video to introduce myself and the reasons why I decided to create this space for us to learn,  have fun, and ultimately fully embody our souls and anchor our soul light and pure potential. There are lots more exciting things to come from this and I very much look forward to sharing them with you while we each co-create our very own piece of Heaven on Earth

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Connecting with nature to gain clarity & insight

My life has at times seem to swing to and fro like a pendulum, going from one idea to another, one line of thought to the other on how to step forward and yet going round in circles, sometimes not really moving forward. A simple old trick of the mind to try and keep me stuck in a comfort zone.

Alas my mind can no longer succeed, as I know really taking time out to get centered and focused brings amazing insight if we just take the time to listen.

I do this personally by going out and walking my dog on the fields,  where he is free to run around and I AM free to release the mind chatter and feel purely connected with nature. As I AM immersed in the glorious sights and sounds, my internal antenna is clear from the mind fog and able to connect purely to my guidance system.  It’s like I breathe at one with nature and its restores my inner balance and allows me the space to clearly connect.

If we took the time to listen to the inner nudges of the soul at the initial thought, to get some fresh air, go for a walk, exercise, and listen... instead of allowing all of the should do’s, what ifs, how am I going to do this or whatever other questions or fears try and put the brakes on what your aiming to accomplish. Life would become so much more easier, and we would become aligned to our hearts clear answers that bring a sense of relief, of lightness and deep inner knowing  at a greater speed.

Questions I have been asking myself lately are: What is really stopping me? What am I scared of? Why am I holding back?

I realised that I have been holding back in my life, for fear of disapproval from my close family, that they may reject me for showing up and being who I truly am and for sharing the life changing  gifts and talents I came here as a soul to share.

As I was out walking, being filled and encompassed with the warmth of the suns energy, I saw myself standing as a giant, like Gulliver, and breaking the ties that were holding me back to these little old thoughts and fears about my family. After I broke free from the ties with ease, I created  a bubble of loving energy which fully encompassed them all.

 I did not come here to live a limited life to simply please others with their own beliefs.  I have in the past faced and overcame personal life or death situations and fears far, far greater than what I was allowing myself to be held back by.  I’ve dug deep and unearthed  the immense courage that it took to change my life path back then, and sailed the roughest of sea’s of emotions to correct my course, and numerous times after that. Each time easier to navigate, each time a smoother sail.

I AM far greater than any old fear, I AM far greater than the thoughts that I used to allow me to once be held back. I AM free to allow myself to be who I truly am, to shine my radiant light and continue to step forward on my highest path, growing, radiating and sharing my learning’s with others along the way.  

So fellow travellers of life... are you holding yourself back from taking the next steps in any area of your journey through life? If so, I invite to take some time and ask yourself ...what really have you allowed yourself to be held back by? What are you scared of? Past all the excuses that the mind comes up with...really deep, deep down, right to the core of your being...what was really stopping you from achieving what you truly want to? I invite your wisest part of yourself, the part of you that already knows the answers, to assist you to gain clarity to your absolute truth.  Maybe you could take some time out to connect with nature, enabling you to calm your mind and gain greater awareness that can help clear and release old obstacles. And what is the best next step you can take to move forward right now on your journey through life? Then focus on taking that step and the next one will unfold <3   

Shining radiant light and love from my heart to yours

Michaela Jane ~ Heaven On Earth x