Thursday 30 April 2015

Echoes in Time

Through the fields of time the soul essence flows, sometimes sending ripples of the past in thoughts, feelings, words and even the way we behave. Today as I was opening up my energy to receive more light within my relationship with self and others I heard an echo from my past from a time when I was dealing with the aftermath of a very traumatic time for me. It was the first two lines from a poem I wrote which was helping me to process the events that had taken place in my life.
They were:

“A lonely life is all I see,
Full of unwanted misery”

They played over and over in my head and I knew that this was a part of self from that moment in time which needed my love and healing. The part of me that was still stuck in the trauma, with nothing but a vision of darkness and pain for the rest of my life. That part of self that could never imagine being happy with anyone, not even myself. It was a very dark time in my life as you can tell from the beginning of my poem.

 I had just escaped from a domestic violent relationship, where the man who I was with used to physically, mentally and emotionally beat me up and torture me. I do not need to go further into the details, as that is not what this is about. All that needs to be said was that I was a fragment of light engulfed in darkness. With all of my muddied mind and feelings at the time I believed I would never be happy, that all men were not to be trusted, feeling that I would never be safe. I had so much hate for men and myself I closed myself off to love, in an attempt to keep myself safe. Some of the words of my ex boyfriend echoed through my being that I was unlovable, disgusting, that nobody would ever love me, that it’s better to be by yourself than with an a***hole. I may have escaped the physical abuse but the echoes of the mental and emotional abuse played over and over again in my mind, it was ingrained so deep I never thought I would recover.

But I did recover and became stronger, more beautiful, loving, happy, compassionate, forgiving, with a capacity to experience love and blissful feelings beyond my wildest dreams. My heart opened and continues to expand to the unconditional loving being that I truly am. I am no longer willing to align to pain and suffering in relationships, I am no longer willing to allow past echoes to interfere with or shut myself of in any way to my true happiness and the love I am truly capable of experiencing. My heart knows and emanates this pure love, it is unlimited, boundless. With the guidance of my soul I lovingly invite any fragments of self back into the warmth and pure love of my soul, my pure essence. For I am always safe held in the pure love that I am. I shine and radiate this pure love out through all space and time, to every aspect of myself, throughout all space and time.

I am safe, I am love

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