Saturday 18 July 2015

The Art of Sacred Dance

There are many tools we can use as part of our sacred rituals, soul energy work to release that which no longer serves us. And many different modalities that your soul will guide you to upon your path of returning home to who you truly are on this journey of physical ascension.

Today I felt drawn back to the art of sacred dance. I've always loved to dance right from being a small child, the magic of movement and the way it makes you feel as the music flows through your body. Sacred dance is more a way of allowing your soul to open up your energy body and allowing your body to intuitively move, being completely in the moment and natural flow and rhythm of your pure essence.

As I allow myself to get carried away in the moment, the music and the movements, I receive visions and am always guided to shed that which my soul wishes to let go of in that moment. As well as clear inner knowing of what to invoke and integrate for the next part of my journey. Today as I was dancing I saw trees ( tree energy ;) ) growing with the gentle raise of my hand, in each corner of my room. This was assisting me to be more grounded and present in each moment in my divine body as I allowed this soul process to beautifully take place. As I let go and allowed myself to flow, I saw myself with pure white flowers in my hair and pure white flowing clothing on, completely at one with the divine feminine within. As I elegantly moved around the room, one of the things that I saw was chains on both of my wrists right down to my feet which were also chained, and it was energetically going down into the earth. My soul guided me to pull up the chain and as I was bringing it up I saw that there was a fragment of my soul trapped behind bars within a single metal rectangular cell. It was a part of me that was locked in and it was holding me back from moving forward in a certain area of my life. Energetically sized at around a foot this small cell with a small fragment of my being in was easy to remove and as I did the chunky metal chains on my wrists and ankles that I had a vision of opened. I was guided to place them on an energetic Selenite Crystal table which was automatically took to the purist light of my I AM Presence for healing and wholing.

I had many other visions as this transformative experience took place, all the while feeling completely serene at one with the divine moment and my whole self as I was flowing in the gentle movement of my pure essence.

As you awaken more fully to the divinity of your soul you become aware of yourself at different levels and of the multidimensional being that you truly are. You become aware of the things that you are shedding, those things that are coming up to the surface to be released, are all part of the process your soul is using to raise your vibrations and become your true ascended self here on Earth.

What ways are you feeling drawn to as you release that which no longer serves you? Know that whichever way it is for you right now is perfect for your soul development as you allow the highest outcome to unfold. Trusting in your divine nature to show you the perfect next step on your path of Ascension. There is no rush, everything is always unfolding at the perfect time and way that is right for you, for the highest advancement of your soul.

Much love to you always from my pure essence to you beloved soul